Phir Raat Katee Aur Din Nikla


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Phir raat katee aur din nikla

फिर रात कटी और दिन निकला

Then the night broke and the day passed

Jab din nikla, toh raat chadhee

जब दिन निकला, तो रात चढी

When day came, night came

Phir prit kee aisee ding badhee, rab rakha beliye

फिर प्रीत की ऐसी डिंग बड़ी, रब रखा बेलिए

Then such a ding of love is big, please keep the Lord

Heyyy ho, heyyy ho

हे हो, हे हो

hey yes, hey

Otani par jab chaand chale, aur chaand ke pichhe raat chale

ओटानी पर जब चांद चले, और चांद के पीछे रात चले

When the moon walks on Otani, and the night walks behind the moon

Aur taaro kee baaraat chale, rab rakha beliya

और तारो की बारात चले, रब रखा बेलिया

And the procession of stars goes, Lord kept Belia

Hey ho, hey ho

हे हो, हे हो

hey yes, hey

Har raat kahaanee chalatee hai, kabhee hawa sunatee hai baate

हर रात कहानी चलती है, कभी हवा सुनाते हैं बात

Story goes on every night, sometimes the wind narrates the matter

Kabhee baat jubaanee chalatee hai

कभी बात जुबानी चलते हैं

sometimes talk by mouth

Hey ho, hey ho

हे हो, हे हो

hey yes, hey

Phir raat katee aur din nikla, jab din nikla toh rat chadhee

फिर रात कटी और दिन निकला, जब दिन निकला तो चूहा चढी

Then the night broke and the day came, when the day came, the mouse climbed

Phir prit kee aisee ding badhee, rab rakha beliye

फिर प्रीत की ऐसी डिंग बड़ी, रब रखा बेलिए

Then such a ding of love is big, please keep the Lord

Heyyy ho, heyyy ho

हे हो, हे हो

hey yes, hey

(Deh kee reti udd javegee, prit sada reh javegee

(देह की रेती उड़ जावेगी, प्रीत सदा रह जावेगी

(The sand of the body will fly away, love will remain forever)

Arey samay gujar jaavega baabu, lok katha reh jaavegee) - (2)

अरे समय गुजर जावेगा बाबू, लोक कथा रह जावेगी) - (2)

Hey time will pass babu, folk tale will remain) - (2)

Baat puraanee ho jaavegee, naam sada reh jaavega

बात पुरानी हो जाएगी, नाम सदा रह जावेगा

The talk will become old, the name will remain forever.

Arey maro tul me ?? jab tak unka nam rahega

अरे मारो टुल मी ?? जब तक उनका नाम रहेगा

Hey kill me?? as long as his name lasts

Phir raat katee katee, aur din nikala nikala

फिर रात कटी, और दिन निकला निकला

Then the night passed, and the day passed

Jab din nikala nikala, toh raat chadhee chadhee

जब दिन निकला निकला, तो रात चढ़ी चढी

When the day came, the night came

Phir prit kee aisee ding chadhee, rab rakha beliye

फिर प्रीत की ऐसी डिंग चढी, रब रखा बेलिए

Then love got such a ding, keep the Lord

Heyyy o, heyyy o

हेय ओ, हेय ओ

hey o, hey o

(Arey bahut baras jab gujar gaye, aur lakh chand jab utar gaye

(अरे बहुत बरस जब गुजर गए, और लाख चांद जब उतर गए

(O when many years have passed, and when a million moons have descended

Pipal par ek padav hua, aur phir janme kaa ?? hua) - (2)

पीपल पर एक पड़ाव हुआ, और फिर जाने का ?? हुआ) - (2)

There was a stop at Peepal, and then to go?? happened) - (2)

Tabse har ek kahaanee me woh aate hai aur jate hai

तबसे हर एक कहानी में वो आते हैं और जाते हैं

He has come and gone in every story since then.

Arey maro tul me ?? jab tak unaka naam rahega

अरे मारो टुल मी ?? जब तक उनका नाम रहेगा:

Hey kill me?? As long as his name lasts:

Phir rat katee aur din nikala, jab din nikala toh rat chadhee

फिर रात कटी और दिन निकला, जब दिन निकला तो चूहा चढी

Then the night broke and the day came, when the day came, the mouse climbed

Phir prit kee aisee ding chadhee, rab rakha beliye

फिर प्रीत की ऐसी डिंग चढी, रब रखा बेलिए

Then love got such a ding, keep the Lord

Otanee par jab chand chale, aur chand ke pichhe raat chale

ओटानी पर जब चंद चले, और चांद के पीछे रात चले

When the moon walks on Otani, and the night walks behind the moon

Aur taaro kee barat chale, rab rakha beliya

और तारो की बारात चले, रब रखा बेलिया

And the procession of stars goes, Lord kept Belia

Hey ho, hey ho

हे हो, हे हो

hey yes, hey

Har rat kahaanee chalatee hai, kabhee hawa sunatee hai baate

हर रात कहानी चलती है, कभी हवा सुनाते हैं बातें

Story goes on every night, sometimes the wind tells things

Kabhee bat jubaanee chalatee hai

कभी बात जुबानी चलते हैं

sometimes talk by mouth

Hey ho....

हे हो....

Hey yes....


About the movie


Parsimonious Bhanwarlal is a Bania (businessman) who lives in Navalgarh, Rajasthan, along with his wife; his sons Sunderlal and Kishanlal; Sunderlal is married to Gajrobai and has a son. During the annual camel race, Sunderlal loses the race to the Thakur and out of shame leaves home, never to return. Now Kishanlal has come of age and is married to Lachchi. But on the very next day of the marriage, he must leave for Jamnagar to expand business, and can return only after 5 years. A tearful Lachchi bids him goodbye, but to her pleasant surprise he returns within a few days, and informs his dad that he met a holy sage who had instructed him to return as he will find five gold coins every morning. Pleased with this, Bhanwarlal does not object to Kishanlal’s return. After four years, it is now time for the camel race again, and this time Bhanwarlal’s camel wins, much to the chagrin of the Thakur who suspects witchcraft. Then Lachchi gets pregnant and on the day of the child’s birth the family finds out to their horror that there is an impostor who is claiming to be Kishanlal, and the husband of Lachchi. The family and the town are unable to decide who is real and who the impostor, as both look identical, so they decide to approach the king and do his bidding. The question remains, who is the second Kishanlal and what possible motive could he have for coming to claim Lachchi as his wife?

  • Runtime140
  • Rating6.5/10
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