About the movie
The story revolves around Bauua Singh (Shah Rukh Khan), a vertically challenged man, who is full of charm and wit, with a pinch of arrogance. Born to a wealthy family and raised in an environment of affluence and indulgence, Bauua was never failed by Meerut or its people. But when he meets two women (Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma), his experiences with these women take him on a journey to complete his ‘incompleteness’ and broaden his horizons to find a purpose he never knew he had.
Aanand L. Rai (4)
Shah Rukh Khan
Anushka Sharma
Katrina Kaif
Mohd. Zeeshan Ayyub
Abhay Deol
Spencer Allport
Alan Applegate
Tatiana Beauchamp
Bill Billions
Jermaine Boswell
Ava Connolly
Cliff Craig
Ireland Frost
Kasey A. Brown
Grace Culwell
Karen B. Greer
Brendan Morris
James Tilley
Ganesh Acharya
Alia Bhatt
Richard Carr III
Sheeba Chaddha
Anshul Chauhan
Juhi Chawla
Remo D’Souza
Tigmanshu Dhulia
Ashley Forman
Sheena V. Henderson
Ryan C. Joseph
Brijendra Kala
Karisma Kapoor
Salman Khan
Richard Bhakti Klein
Brandon Laabs
Talley LaFlamme
Pete Mangum
Faith Monique
Rani Mukerji
Brian Nathan
Juan Netts
Deepika Padukone
Tammy Perks
Justine Renee
Diego Roa Rodriguez
Angie Slaughter
Natasa Stankovic
Egypt Taylor
Elena Tuteja
Rick Walters
Harvey C. Wilkes
All cast
Abhay Deol (8)
Abigail Morrison (1)
Alan Applegate (1)
Alan McCrispin (1)
Alia Bhatt (8)
Angie Slaughter (1)
Anja Conklin (1)
Anshul Chauhan (3)
Anushka Sharma (13)
Ashley Forman (1)