Prashant Tapasvi is an Indian actor who is popularly known for his work in the Marathi film industry. He has appeared in movies such as Bagh Haat Dakhavan (2000), Aaila Re!! (2006), Valu (The Bull) (2008), Chintoo (2012), Siddhant (2015), and A Dot Com Mom (2016). In 2017, he appeared in the National Film Award-winning movie Ringan directed by Makarand Mane. His 2018 release includes Aa Bb Kk.
Prashant Tapasvi
Wildly imaginative and film-obsessed Meenakshi Deshpande has an extra-sensitive nose. After she is hired to work in a local college’s library, she catches a wonderful scent in the air. The source is Surya, a handsome and enigmatic art student from a Tamil family. Meanwhile, Meenakshi’s eccentric Marathi family has arranged…