Dhoop Chaon
Table of Contents
Itni tadpi yaha machali ki ret jaan gayi
इतनी तड़पी यहाँ मचाली की रेट जान गई
So much agony here, the rate of Machali was known
Ye hadsa nahi lahro ki bewafayi hai
ये हडसा नहीं लहरों की बेवफाई है
This is not a hoax, it is infidelity of waves
Nisanisa sa sa nisanisa sa sa - 2
निसानिसा सा सा निसानिसा सा सा - 2
nissanissa sa sa nissanissa sa sa sa - 2
Dhup chav ne mil kar dekho chitkabra sansar de diya - 2
धूप चव ने मिल कर देखो चितकबरा संसार दे दिया - 2
Dhoop Chav together gave the pied world a look - 2
Dene de jab juthe riste
डेने डे जब जूथे रिस्ते
dene de jab juthe riste
Dene de jab juthe riste man me phir kyo pyar de diya
देने दे जब जुठे रिस्ते आदमी में फिर क्यो प्यार दे दिया
Let it be, when the person is connected, why did he give love again?
Dhup chav ne mil kar dekho chitkabra sansar de diya
धूप चव ने मिल कर देखो चितकबरा संसार दे दिया
Look at the sun together gave the pied world
Ho ek ankh se haste hai ham par duje se rote hai
हो एक आंख से जल्दबाजी है हम पर दूजे से रोते हैं
Yes, we are in a hurry with one eye, but we cry with the other.
Par duje se rote hai
पर दूजे से रोते हैं
but weep with each other
Palko ne jo sapne pale katra katra rote hai
पल्को ने जो सपने पले कटरा कटरा रोते हैं
The dreams that Palko brought up, Katra Katra weeps
Katra katra rote hai
कटरा कटरा रोते हैं
katra katra cry
Angan bhar akash de diya
आंगन भर आकाश दे दिया
gave the sky all over the courtyard
Angan bhar akash de diya kaid kar liya sanso ko
आंगन भर आकाश दे दिया कैद कर लिया सांसो को
Gave the sky across the courtyard, imprisoned the breath
Tajmahal dekar hamko pyar ka ek majaar de diya
ताजमहल देकर हमको प्यार का एक मजार दे दिया
Gave us a shrine of love by giving the Taj Mahal
Dhup chav ne mil kar dekho chitkabra sansar de diya
धूप चव ने मिल कर देखो चितकबरा संसार दे दिया
Look at the sun together gave the pied world
Ho mout hai parchai bhar kewal jeewan ek hakikat hai
हो मौत है परचाई भर केवल जीवन एक हकीकत है
Yes death is only a shadow, life is a reality
Jeewan ek hakikat hai
जीवन एक हकीकत है
life is a reality
Kanto par khil kar khusbu bhi deti ek nasihat hai
कांटो पर खिल कर खुशबू भी देती एक नसीहत है
Blossoming on thorns and giving fragrance is also an admonition
Deti ek nasihat hai
डेटी एक नसीहत है
Date is an admonition
Anch jalati hai jab man ko
अंछ जलाती है जब मन को
Fire burns when the mind
Anch jalati hai jab man ko riste bhi garmati hai
अंछ जलाती है जब मन को रिस्ते भी गरमी है
The flame burns when the heart is too hot for the road
Patjhad ne hi to basant ko ek naya sringar de diya
पतझड़ ने ही तो बसंत को एक नया श्रृंगार दे दिया
The autumn has given a new make-up to the spring.
Dene de jab juthe riste
डेने डे जब जूथे रिस्ते
dene de jab juthe riste
Dene de jab juthe riste man me phir kyo pyar de diya
देने दे जब जुठे रिस्ते आदमी में फिर क्यो प्यार दे दिया
Let it be, when the person is connected, why did he give love again?
Dhup chav ne mil kar dekho chitkabra sansar de diya - 2
धूप चव ने मिल कर देखो चितकबरा संसार दे दिया - 2
Dhoop Chav together gave the pied world a look - 2
Dene de jab juthe riste juthe riste juthe riste
डेने डे जब जूथे रिस्टे जूथे रिस्टे जूथे रिस्टे
Dene de jab juthe riste juthe riste juthe riste
Dene de jab juthe riste man me phir kyo pyar de diya
देने दे जब जुठे रिस्ते आदमी में फिर क्यो प्यार दे दिया
Let it be, when the person is connected, why did he give love again?
Dhup chav ne mil kar dekho chitkabra sansar de diya - 2
धूप चव ने मिल कर देखो चितकबरा संसार दे दिया - 2
Dhoop Chav together gave the pied world a look - 2

About the movie
Lured by one of their victims, held against their wills in a mansion by armed guards, former students of Bangalore’s PV College of Engineering in the company of their respective spouses, reflect on their past lives, and extra-marital affairs. Their captor, Rakesh Choubey, a former student of the same institute, the only child of a widowed Class 4 Railway employee, was mercilessly ragged and humiliated by them, leaving him with psychological scars that never healed. He taunts them, gets them to openly confess and apologize, and goes about to list the terms of their release. He stipulates that if the conditions are not met within 24 hours – all of them will die violent deaths.
- Runtime
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