Divaro Kaa Jungle Jiska Aabadee Hai Nam
Table of Contents
Divaro kaa jungle jiska aabadee hai nam
दिवारो का जंगल जिस्का अबदी है नाम
The name of the forest of walls is abdi hai
Bahar se chup chup lagta hai andar hai kohram
बहार से चुप चुप लगता है अंदर है कोहराम
It seems silent from outside, there is chaos inside
Divaro key iss jangal me bhatak rahe insan
दिवारो कुंजी इस्स जंगल में भटक रहे हैं इंसान
People are wandering in the woods
Apne apne ulajhe daman jhatak rahe insan
अपने अपने उल्झे दमन झटके रहे इंसान
People who are oppressing their own self
Apnee vipda chodke aaye -2, kaun kisee key kam
अपनी विपदा छोडके आए -2, कौन किसी की कमो
Leaving his calamity, he came -2, who is someone's fault
Bahar se chup chup lagta hai andar hai kohram
बहार से चुप चुप लगता है अंदर है कोहराम
It seems silent from outside, there is chaos inside
Sine kalee aankhe sunee chehro par hairanee -2
साइन काले आंखे सुनी चेहरे पर बालोंनी -2
Sign black eyes listened to hairy face -2
Jitne ghane hangame ismein utnee ghanee viranee
जितने घणे हैंगमे इसमे उतनी घनी वीरानी
As dense as it hangs, there is so much desolation in it
Rate kalee subahe mujrim -2, muljim hai har sham
रेट काले सुबाहे मुजरिम-2, मुलजिम है हर शाम
Rate Kale Subahe Mujrim-2, the culprit is every evening
Bahar se chup chup lagta hai andar hai kohram
बहार से चुप चुप लगता है अंदर है कोहराम
It seems silent from outside, there is chaos inside