Don’ t Flay Love That

Raat Gayi Baat Gayi

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You know that i want love brother, so just play this queue

तुम्हें पता है कि मुझे प्यार चाहिए भाई, तो बस इस कतार को खेलो

you know i want love bro, so just play this line

I wanted to last forever, just leave it n repeat

मैं हमेशा के लिए रहना चाहता था, बस इसे छोड़ दो और दोहराओ

i wanted to be forever, just drop it and repeat

Nobody lives forever, lives give and take

कोई भी हमेशा के लिए नहीं रहता है, जीवन देता है और लेता है

no one lasts forever, life gives and takes

You just gotta find the love that compensates for faith

आपको बस उस प्यार को खोजना होगा जो विश्वास की भरपाई करता है

You just have to find the love that replenishes the faith

Love is going to set me free brother

प्यार मुझे आज़ाद करने वाला है भाई

love is going to set me free

Whats tying you down right now

आपको अभी क्या बांध रहा है

what's tying you up right now

The chains of loneliness brother

अकेलेपन की जंजीर भाई

chain of loneliness brother

I ve got used to them some how

मुझे उनकी आदत हो गई है कि कैसे

I got used to them how

Nobody lives forever, lives give and take

कोई भी हमेशा के लिए नहीं रहता है, जीवन देता है और लेता है

no one lasts forever, life gives and takes

You just gotta find the love that compensates for faith

आपको बस उस प्यार को खोजना होगा जो विश्वास की भरपाई करता है

You just have to find the love that replenishes the faith

Dont you believe in soulmates brother

क्या आपको आत्मीय साथियों पर विश्वास नहीं है भाई

Do you have no faith in your soul mates, brother?

They are for teenagers and swans to find

वे किशोरों और हंसों को खोजने के लिए हैं

They're meant to find juveniles and swans

And didnt you had a soulmate once brother

और क्या आपका एक बार भी भाई नहीं था

And didn't you have a brother even once

Yeah but she committed suicide i m kidding

हाँ, लेकिन उसने आत्महत्या कर ली मैं मजाक कर रहा हूँ

yeah but he committed suicide i'm kidding

Nobody lives forever, i guess, your lives give and take

कोई भी हमेशा के लिए नहीं रहता है, मुझे लगता है, आपका जीवन देता है और लेता है

no one lasts forever i guess, your life is give and take

You just gotta find the love that compensates for faith

आपको बस उस प्यार को खोजना होगा जो विश्वास की भरपाई करता है

You just have to find the love that replenishes the faith

Raat Gayi Baat Gayi

About the movie


Mumbai-based Rahul Kapoor, his wife, Mitali, and daughter, Komal, attend a party at the residence of their friends, Jolly and Jaswinder Saxena. Also present is Rahul’s friend, Amit, and his rather upset wife, Nandini. This is where Rahul will indulge in quite a few alcoholic drinks, then meet and be attracted to a gorgeous young woman whose name maybe Sophia. The next day he wakes up with a hangover, unable to re-locate what happened the night before. Fearing that he might have been more than indiscreet, he discusses this in detail with Amit and Jaswinder – and slowly realizes that they were not the only ones who were aware that he was with Sophia – amongst the others who maybe aware could be his wife. More shocks and surprises await him when he decides to delve deeper and goes to meet with Sophia.

  • Runtime104
  • Rating6.3/10
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