Kyun Keeda Hai Aapko

Quick Gun Murugan

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Bak bak hai aapki sun li, kis khet ki aap hai muli

बक बक है आपकी सुन ली, किस खेत की आप है मूल

You have listened to Buck Buck, which field do you belong to?

Tedhe sawaalon ke hai tedhe jawaab

तेधे देखालों के है तेदे जवाबी

There is a quick response to the eyes

Miyaan na bibi raaji phir bhi lage hain kaaji

मियां न बीबी राजी फिर भी लगे हैं काजी

Mian and Bibi are still engaged

Itane asamnjas mein hai (kyun janaab -5)

इतने आसान में है (क्यूं जनाब-5)

It is so easy (Why sir-5)

Hona hai jo usako ji hone de, rote hai jo unako ji rone de

होना है जो उसको जी होने दे, रोते हैं जो उनको जी रोने दे

Have to be the one who lets him live, cry Whoever lets him cry

Ungali karate kyun har jagah, kyun vichlit hai kyun khafa

उन्गली कराटे क्यों हर जगह, क्यों विचित्र है क्यों खाफा

Why Ungli Karate is everywhere, why is it strange, why is it angry?

Kyun keeda hai aapko, kyun pida hai khaamkha

क्यों कीड़ा है आपको, क्यों पिदा है खामखा

Why do you have a worm, why is it a pest?

Kyun janaab - (4)

क्यूं जनाब - (4),(सरगम),

Why sir - (4),(Gamma),


जिसको जो कहना है कहने दे, कटे की दम है टेढ़ी रहने दे

Let the one who has to say what he has to say, let him remain crooked.

काम से काम अपना बस राखी

Rakhi your bus from work to work

Jisako jo kehana hai kehane de, kutte ki dum hai tedhi rehane de

उन्गली कराटे क्यों हर जगह, क्यों चिंता है बेवजह

Why Ungli Karate is everywhere, why worry is unnecessary

Kaam se kaam apana bas rakhe

क्यों कीड़ा है आपको, क्यों पिदा है खामखा

Why do you have a worm, why is it a pest?

Ungali karate kyun har jagah, kyun chintit hai bewajah

क्यूं जनाब - (4)

Why sir - (4)

Kyun keeda hai aapko, kyun pida hai khaamkha

Kyun janaab - (4)

असंतुलित संगत है, पिदा के अच्छाबक है

unbalanced accompaniment

छोडे अपना चिरकुट भ्रम, त्याग सब कार्याक्रम

Quit Your Chronic Illusion, Quit All Programs

Asantulit sangat hai, pida ke aachumbak hai

असमज है आपका कुछ, करम करें न सोचे कुछ

Something is wrong with you, don't think anything

Chhode apana chirkut bhram, tyaage sab kaaryakram

गुठली छोडे खाये आम, आपकी मेरी राही मामी

Leave the kernels and eat mango, your my mother's mother

Asamjas hai aapaka kuchh, karam karein na soche kuchh

Guthali chhode khaaye aam, aapse meri traahi maam

Quick Gun Murugan

About the movie


Quick Gun Murugun is a western spoof with attitude, featuring outlandish songs, outrageous melodrama and crazy action sequences including a classic duel in a traffic jam. The film tells the story of Quick Gun Murugun – a South Indian karmic cowboy whose duty is to protect and cows. When faced with a world-conquering arch villain restaurant owner who wants to create the ultimate McDosa chain using beef, Quick Gun enters into an epic battle of vegetarianism vs. non-vegetarianism that spans time and space, from a small South Indian village to an Indian heaven and then finally to a cosmopolitan Mumbai across 15 years.

  • Runtime97
  • Rating5.8/10
More about the movie