Mata Ka Email
Guddu Rangeela
Table of Contents
Jai ho
जय हो
Be victorious
Kal raat mata ka mujhe e mail aya hai - 2
कल रात माता का मुझे ई मेल आया है - 2
I got e-mail from mother last night - 2
Maata ne mujh ko - 2 facebook pe boolaya hain
माता ने मुझे को - 2 फेसबुक पे बुलाया है
Mother has called me on facebook - 2
Kal raat mata ka mujhe e mail aya hai - 2
कल रात माता का मुझे ई मेल आया है - 2
I got e-mail from mother last night - 2
Chaating shatting karenge maatase photo share karenge - 2
चैटिंग शेटिंग करेंगे मातसे फोटो शेयर करेंगे - 2
Chatting Shating will share photos from Matse - 2
To file picture ne maata ne cher lagaya hain
फोटो फाइल करने के लिए ने माता ने चेर लगा है
Mother has taken care to file photo
Kal raat mata ka mujhe e mail aya hai
कल रात माता का मुझे ई मेल आया है
I got an e-mail from mother last night
Jai ho
जय हो
Be victorious
Dabalu dabalu dablu ho dabalu dabalu dablu
डबलु डबलु डबलु हो डबलु डबलु डबलु
dablu dablu dablu ho dablu dablu dablu
Ho saare bolo dabalu dabalu dablu ho dabalu dabalu dablu
हो सारे बोलो डबलु डबलु डबलु हो डबलु डबलु डबलु
Ho saare bolo dablu dablu dablu ho dablu dablu dablu
Maata dot com maata ki website hain
माता डॉट कॉम माता की वेबसाइट है is the website of mata
Dabalu dabalu dablu ho dabalu dabalu dablu
डबलु डबलु डबलु हो डबलु डबलु डबलु
dablu dablu dablu ho dablu dablu dablu
Me dustonse bachne ko - 2 anti virus lagaya hain
में डस्टोंसे बच्चन को - 2 एंटी वायरस लगा है
I have got 2 Antiviruses for Dostonse Bachchan
Kal raat mata ka mujhe e mail aya hai - 2
कल रात माता का मुझे ई मेल आया है - 2
I got e-mail from mother last night - 2
Maata ne mujh ko - 2 facebook pe boolaya hain
माता ने मुझे को - 2 फेसबुक पे बुलाया है
Mother has called me on facebook - 2
Kal raat mata ka mujhe e mail aya hai - 3
कल रात माता का मुझे ई मेल आया है - 3
I got e-mail from mother last night - 3
Jai ho
जय हो
Be victorious

Guddu Rangeela
About the movie
Based in the dusty plains of North India, Guddu Rangeela is a story about two cousins trying to make ends meet in the crime infested surroundings. Orchestra singers by day and informants by night, acquiring measly pay offs from the information provided to local gangsters about the richest families in town, has fetched them an easy and safe way to subsist without getting their hands dirty in the bargain. Although cousins by blood, both are very much unlike each other. The love hate rapport of the two comes to be seen through the many dangerously funny circumstances that they are met with and their impromptu methods of saving their skin each time. Having suffered a tragic past at the hands of the gang lord turned politician Billo; the antagonist of the tale; both are discreetly entangled in a 10 year old legal battle against him through Gupta, an honest advocate fighting on their behalf. While the unorthodox and impulsive Guddu aspires to grow out of their hand to mouth way of life by executing the loot themselves, the comparatively self-righteous and mature Rangeela despises the idea of getting onto the dark side of the city’s law. Like money, women too are Guddu’s poison, who is time and again seen flirting and effortlessly pulling off one night stands. Rangeela on the contrary hasn’t moved on from the tragedy that consumed his only love Babli years back. Rangeela’s prime motto has always been to overthrow his nemesis Billo, thus undoing the injustice and cruelty that transpired years back. Lucky enough, one such opportunity comes knocking, which he immediately snags and in the process finds himself confronting the vicious and tyrannical Billo. What follows is a chaotic tale of redemption and payback. An ambition, a plan, a kidnapping and a to and fro tale of victory and defeat leading up to a dramatic climax.
- Runtime
- Rating