Born to the late Anandi and Sadanand Nagarkatte, hails from coastal Karnataka, where he had his early education under the aegis of Anand Ashram in South Canara and Chitrapur math in North Canara. Sent to Bombay for onward education and got involved with amateur theatre activities for 8 years. Got a break in Kannada film titled “Sankalpa”” in 1971 with the help from late Shri G. V. Iyer and Shri Girish Karnad, the renowned playwright.In Bombay Satyadev Dubey guided him to Shyam Benegal for his first hindi film “”Ankur”” (1974). In that decade under Benegal’s direction varied roles came in his way in films like “”Nishant”” (1975), “”Bhumika”” (1977), “”Manthan”” (1976), “”Kondra (1977)”” and “”Kaliyug”” (1981)He has acted in films under the direction of noted film makers like M S Sathyu, Girish Karnad, Vikas Desai. Also acted in noted serials and films in Hindi based on the works of the novelist late Shri R. K. Narayan, Produced by T. S. Narasimhan under the direction of his younger brother, the late Shri Shankar Nag.He has acted in over 175 Kannada films under various directors, veterans as well as budding debutants, not to mention some landmark films in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi. He has won the Karnataka State Best Actor Award on four occasions, besides others like `Film fare Awards’ etc.An active participant in the Janatha Party Political experiment ever since the 70s, he was nominated a member of the Karnataka Legislative Council (1988-1994), was elected a Member of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly (1994-1999) and was a minister of State, attached to the Chief Minister (1996-1999).Currently involved with selected assignments. Noted among them being a feature film in Hindi “”Yuva”” directed by Mani Ratnam and yet another feature ‘Man eater of Malgudi’ based on late Shri R. K. Narayan’s Novel now being directed by Ms Kavitha Lankesh.”
Anant Nag
Coming from a poor and destitute family, Urvashi is encouraged by her mother, Shanta (Sualbha Deshpande) to be on more than friendly terms with a much older male, Keshav Dalvi (Amol Palekar). Keshav takes a liking to young Urvashi, and encourages her to explore her talents in films, which she…
Vishwam (Naseeruddin Shah) is the youngest brother of the powerful and influential village Zamindar (Amrish Puri). The Zamindar will not hesitate to do anything for the welfare and protection of his family, which also includes bending the law to his own advantage. Vishwam is married to Rukmani (Smita Patil), and…
Fun Facts
Brother of Shankar Nag
Was engaged to Priya Tendulkar.
Starred in the shelved movie Jan Madhyan Productions "Kahani Apni Apni""(1980) Starring Anant Nag