Baron Jay Littleton Jr., mission statement in life is to excel in the area of his God gifted talent. He influences and encourages others to keep the faith.His parents were young when he was conceived. His mother Robin Colston, was eighteen and his father Baron Jay Littleton Sr., was sixteen. They contemplated terminating her pregnancy but, decided against it. his mother devoted all of her attention and time on him while he attended school. They were on welfare but no one ever knew it. They may have been poor but they never seem poor. His parent never married and separated shortly after he was born. During his sophomore year in high school, his mother achieved her degree in Education. His father attended University of Michigan and achieved a degree in Computer Science, in addition to his mother and father he has three younger siblings which are girls.He was selected for various assignments during elementary school Captain of the Safety Patrol Squad, Captain of Track Team and many more that, his teachers saw him as a “model student.”” His entrepreneurial instinct was ignited during middle school. He use to stand near the vending machines with bags of candy and sell it a nickel cheaper than the vending machine price. He had two other students posting up other machines while he was at his station and he had one student selling at another school. The “”appreciation”” in him awarded his employee’s candy bars for their services. His family knew at a young age Film and TV was is love. They gave him a 8mm camera at age fourteen he enjoyed being on camera and having his high school and college highlights recorded. He attended Murray Wright Naval Academy High School and his father suggested he enlist in the N.J.R.O.T.C program which he did. He was included in almost every sport and student activity. He was also involved in several stage production plays in middle and high school.He was on the basketball, football, volleyball, and track teams and travel nationwide competing in judo tournaments. He was also a member of the student council, Business Professionals of America and D.E.C.A. just to name a few he maintained a 3.3 GPA. his sophomore year in high school, Baron landed the job of Bat Boy (not to be confused with Robin, Batman’s side kick) at Detroit’s Tiger Stadium. He broadens his horizon in taking the job of caddying at Detroit’s Golf Club. For six years, he worked both jobs come rain or shine.In his senior year his interests began to change thanks to Mr. Burton, (his finance teacher). He introduced him to mutual funds and stocks and encourage him to save, invest and always pay himself first but as Baron matured he learned to pay God first and yourself second.As graduating from high school became a reality, he realized the lack of his family’s finances. In an effort to spare his mother the financial burden of underwriting his college expenses. He set out to secure a full scholarship, by “”hook or crook””, he was going to do it, and he did! He was awarded two scholarships, and chose the Western Golf Association “”Chick Evans”” Scholarship. His college life was as fulfilling as his high school years. He was a walk-on for the Michigan State University Spartans football team. He retired due to an injury. He DJ’d for WQHH Power 96.5 FM, produced and directed a weekly TV show entitled “”College Code Life””. This show was about college life in the class room, dorm room, frat parties, football pratice, bat boy, road trips, cafeteria at home with my family etc.”
Baron Jay
Fight Club
A nameless first person narrator (Edward Norton) attends support groups in attempt to subdue his emotional state and relieve his insomniac state. When he meets Marla (Helena Bonham Carter), another fake attendee of support groups, his life seems to become a little more bearable. However when he associates himself with…
Fun Facts
Baron and his wife are avid volunteers for the Entertainment Industry Foundation Events
Baron has all his awards, trophies, certiificates and medals from grade school through college, thanks to his mother
Baron Radio/TV Teacher assigned him to do the Morning Public Announcements at Murray Wright Naval Academy High School because he has an distinctive voice
During his Junior year in High School he did Play by Play for the Detroit Public High Schools BasketBall Games on WDTR 90.9 FM
He completed the course of instruction for the 1993 Naval Junior ROTC Cadets based upon a curriculum established by the Chief of Naval Technical Training Center in Great Lakes Illinois
He placed 5th 78KG division of the 1994 National Junior Olympic Judo Championships in Buffalo Grove Illinois
He is a Evan Scholars Alumni Fraternity Member. The Evans Scholars Foundation administers the nation's largest privately funded college scholarship program. Since the first two Scholars enrolled at Northwestern University in 1930, more than 8,700 young men and women have graduated from the program. The Evans Scholars program was established by and named for Charles "Chick"" Evans
I try daily to carve my name on hearts and not on marble.
Laziness is often mistaken for patience. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm - my wife is the master of this one.
We as people need to have long-range goals to keep us from being frustrated by short-range failures -especially as an actor when your job is to audition.
If you want to conquer the world first you should conquer yourself. People that have learned to obey will know how to command - I've been learning this my entire life.
Character is what we are in the dark and if a man or woman wants to lead the orchestra they must turn their back on the crowd. I am a servant leader.
Learn by experience - preferably other people's. That's how I saved time and earn a jump start on life.
It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
I learned in middle school if you keep company with men/women and good men/women you will imitate.
I know from experience the happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. We just make the best of everything because we know it's only temporarily.
During my short time on earth I have realized that opportunities are seldom labeled.