Brian Pitt is an American film producer known for his hands-on work in the film industry, making films in over a dozen countries and working as Head of Production for various film companies and film funds. His work includes co- founding a for-profit partnership with Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film & Media Arts, a prestigious program that aligns real-world filmmaking with the university’s curriculum to produce commercially viable films by joining students and professional filmmakers. In 2018 Pitt was part of the team that produced the box-office hit film AFTER and the equally successful sequel, AFTER WE COLLIDED. He also produced the next two movies in the AFTER series, set for release in 2021 and 2022. In between producing the AFTER films, Pitt had the honor to executive produce BRUISED, Halle Berry’s directorial debut that is set to air on Netflix in the fall of 2021. Most recently, Pitt finished producing Gerard Butler’s latest action film, CHASE.
Brian Pitt
It’s the dinner shift at Shenanigan’s. Dan, the clueless boss, assigns Mitch, 22, a trainee, to Monty, the smooth talker who chases girls for one-night stands. Dean, a waiter, also 22, feels that life is passing him by. Dan offers him the assistant manager job and gives him until midnight…
Fun Facts
Brian paid for college as a professional golf instructor at Anchor Golfland in Whippany, NJ and went on to manage the facility before shifting his attention to the film industry.
Brian raced JetSkis on the Budweiser Pro JetSki tour threw college and has performed jetski stunts for various commercials and music videos.
Brian speaks at various high schools and universities about physical film production and tax incentive analysis.
Brian donates his times to a field studies program for high school students and travels around the world helping to educate the next generation about global awareness and environmental concerns.