Christopher was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma at Oral Roberts University, City of Faith hospital. Shortly after birth his family relocated to the south bay of Los Angeles where he would grow up in Palos Verdes on the beach. Kin to a lineage of evangelism and Christian Faith ministries, most thought his path in life would be to become a preacher. To everyone’s surprise, he took the movie world. Shortly after working for his grandfather in the ministry, Christopher took off to Los Angeles to attend film school and pursue an entertainment career.

Christopher Villar

My Name Is Khan
Rizwan Khan, a Muslim from the Borivali section of Mumbai, suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism that complicates socialization. The adult Rizwan marries a Hindu single mother, Mandira, in San Francisco. After 9/11, Rizwan is detained by authorities at LAX who mistake his disability for suspicious behavior.…
Fun Facts
Katy Perry is Christopher's longtime childhood friend. Both preachers kids, their parents rallied at the same conventions every year. Katy was Christopher's first kiss.