Jiaa Manek is known to have played the role of Gopi in Saathiya. She is playing the role of Jeannie in Jeannie aur Juju. Manek started giving auditions for acting in her college days. She did advertisements for Vatika Hair Oil. She participated in the dance show Jhalak DHikklaa Jaa 5 and was the 8th person to be eliminated. Due to participating in this dance show, she was kicked out of Saathiya.

Giaa Manek

Na Ghar Ke Na Ghaat Ke
Based in Pallanhar, Uttar Pradesh, Devkinandan lives with his father, Sankataprasad; mother; grandmother; and a sister. He graduates with honors, gets employed in the Meteorological Department in Mumbai, and re-locates there, where he gets to share a room with a pimp, Madan Khachak, and attempts to adjust to life in…