Madhu Anand Chandhock also known as Bholi in Bollywood started her career almost by fluke. Born in New Delhi, a trained Hindustani classical singer, Ms Chandhock always wanted to become an artist. After completing her graduation from Delhi (Jankidevi Mahavidhyalay) she started her career as a fashion designer. Post marriage, she shifted to Bangalore and started her own boutique for 16 years.In 2014 she decided to shift her base from Bangalore to Mumbai with her kids Chitvan and Kashyap. Surprisingly at the age 45 she got her first break in Dharma Productions venture 2 States, directed by Abhishek Verman, starring Arjun Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Based on best seller Chetan Bhagat’s novel of same name, the romantic comedy was produced by Karan Johar and Hiroo Johar. She was selected by casting director Nandini Shrikent after seeing her performance in a short film by Cadburys (Diwali Special) “Cadburys Celebration: Gift A Diwali”” Madhu played the lead in the film, and she won accolades for her simplicity. The film became viral and caught Ms Shrikent’s attention. Thereafter Madhu was signed in the pivotal role of Duke’s mother in 2 States.After this she was signed for a Pakistani telefilm Tujh Se Hee Raabta, directed by noted television personality Nivedita Basu. She played the role of Yasir Shah’s mother, who played the lead in the film. The film was aired in one of the leading Pakistani channel and this fetched Madhu accolades for her role. This was the first ever Indo-Pakistan telefilm, shot in Mumbai. Immediately after this movie she was signed by Ram Madhvani for his directorial debut Neerja, where she played Rahima Mohhamed, one of the important passengers in the terror attack which had hit the headlines during Neerja Bhanot’s era. Her role, though a cameo, was critically acclaimed after Sonam Kapoor and Shabana Azmi’s performance.Then Madhu acted in an experimental short film All About Section 377, where she played the role of Rohit’s Maami, (Rohit plays the lead). Directed by Amit Khanna, who played gay character Rohit in the movie. This movie was appreciated amongst LGBT film festival Hum Safar. Creative Gypsy, the producer of the movie selected Madhu for this pivotal role, because not too many actresses in Bollywood were comfortable playing aunt to a homosexual character. Madhu being an experimental actor, took this project as a challenge and won everyone’s heart with her performance.She also played the role of a school principal in Sohail Tattari’s sports based film Tennis Buddies (tentatively titled). The film also stars Ranvir Shourey and Divya Dutta. Newcomer Dakshata Patel (real life tennis player) makes her debut in this film. Recently she acted in Vikram Bhatt’s blockbuster franchise Raaz Reboot (yet to be released). She plays the role lead actor Gaurav Arora’s mother.She is also working on Zee Telefilms finite series which will be aired on October 2016. She plays a very important role. Apart. from movies, she writes blogs in Hindi and English. She believes in expressing her happiness and sorrow through words. An avid reader of literature, she has been working on her first book, which will be a collection of poems.Madhu conducts motivational speeches and charitable events in Mumbai. She is also honing her skills in writing lyrics, and might soon make her debut as a lyricist in Bollywood..”
Madhu Anand Chandhock
2 States
A story about a romantic journey of a culturally opposite couple – Krish Malhotra and Ananya Swaminathan. They meet at the IIM-Ahmedabad College and during the program they fall in love. Complications arise after the program comes to an end and they decide to get married. Krish and Ananya belong…
Bioscopewala is an extrapolation of Rabindranath Tagore’s Kabuliwala. It extends the story from where Tagore’s Kabuliwala ends. In this extrapolation, Kabuliwala shows films to children in Kolkata and misses his daughter in Kabul ravaged by civil war. Will he meet his daughter again? Will their story find a completion this…