Mayuri Kango, also known as Mayoori Kango, is an Indian actress from Aurangabad, India. She has acted in a number of films, primarily Bollywood.While visiting her mother in Mumbai, she came in contact with director Saeed Akhtar Mirza. The director quickly recognized her talent and offered her the role of the female protagonist in his film Naseem (1995), a Bollywood film based on the Babri Masjid demolition. First she declined the offer as she had to appear for her HSC board exams. But later, after some discussion with the director, accepted the role.Mahesh Bhatt was impressed by her performance and offered her the lead role in his next film Papa Kahte Hain (1996). Though the film was not a critical or commercial success, her acting received generally positive reviews. She was later seen in films like Betaabi (1997), Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet (1999) and Badal (2000). She moved to television appearing in serials Dollar Bahu (2001) and Karishma: A Miracle of Destiny (2003) where she played the daughter of Karisma Kapoor.
Mayuri Kango
Honest and diligent police officer Veer Chauhan believes in arresting law-breakers and placing them in the lock-ups for trial in a court of law, while his colleague inspector Khan feel that the police should take action upon apprehending the criminals–that is, shooting them to death. Thus, Veer and Khan don’t…
Fun Facts
Daughter of actress Sujata Kaango.
Was engaged to choreographer/director Bobby Khan in 1996. He later married Sunidhi Chauhan.
Lives in Delhi with her family.
On April 04 2019 she joined Google India as industry head.