Michael A Tessiero, born in upstate New York, commonly referred to and known as “Mikiee T”” on the set, attended The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in the early 1980s, launching his career in television commercials, he continued his involvement in the television and motion picture industry, partnering in several low budget films which were very successful. He began to launch his efforts in front of the camera and is receiving a tremendous reception by the motion picture and television industry.”
Michael A. Tessiero
George “Ice Man” Chambers (Rhames) is a top ranked heavyweight boxer. However Chambers has his world turned upside down when he is accused of rape and sent to prison. Upon his arrival he hears talk about Monroe Hutchen (Snipes) who is the top ranked prison boxing champ 10 years running.…
Fun Facts
Long-time diamond cutter, Gemologist.
Designs & manufactures jewelry for entertainers.
Exotic automobile collector.
Aircraft pilot (instrument rated).
Owner/Founder - MIKIEET Productions LLC.