Naveen Kaushik, an actor hailing from Delhi, started working in Delhi theatre from the age of 17 in 1999. After a summer of learning and performing with The Theatre Action Group (TAG) under the tutelage of Barry John, he worked with many groups in the Delhi college theatre circuit before joining Act One Art Group in 2002. Working under Mr. NK Sharma, Naveen began his training in acting that would lead him to move to Mumbai in 2009. A son of Doctors, Naveen was always involved with the extracurricular arts in school. Studying in Delhi’s General Raj’s School, he discovered his passion for everything artistic and performance driven.In a chance meeting with Abhimanyu Ray at the YRF Studios casting office, Naveen got his first big break in the film industry playing the character of Nitin Rathode in “Rocket Singh – Salesman of the Year””. Since then he has been involved with close to 15 movies as well as 3 TV and Web based shows.Naveen shares his time between acting projects and running the only improvisational education and performance institute in India Improv Comedy Mumbai (ICM). As a member of the best Improv team in India, he has performed, instructed and represented India in International Improv festivals across Europe and North America.”
Naveen Kaushik
Rocket Singh
Harpreet Singh Bedi (Ranbir Kapoor) has just graduated and decides to five into the world of sales for an adventurous career. But soon his idea of success begins to clash. It’s the story of a fresh graduate trying to find a balance between the maddening demands of the ‘professional’ way,…
Fun Facts
Debut film was Rocket Singh salesman of the year 2009.
During early days was seen in many TV commercials.
Often seen in characters of senior employee's working at higher post.
A Delhi based theater artist who started theater at age of 17 in 1999.