Saswata started his career with a Hindi serial directed by Saibal Mitra, based on Samaresh Majumdar’s Kaalpurush. He gained popularity by portraying the character of Topshe in a television series directed by Sandip Ray. His breakthrough role came in Sujoy Ghosh’s 2012 blockbuster Hindi film, Kahaani (2012), where he played a simple looking scary contract killer Bob Biswas. The nation went berserk with his portrayal of the villain and comparisons with the iconic Bolly-baddies ‘Mogambo’ and ‘Gabbar Singh’ were also drawn. His most notable work includes the role of TV show creator Abhijit Ganguly in the breakout hit thriller Network (2019) directed by Saptaswa Basu
Saswata Chatterjee
Kolkata is abuzz with the preparations for the annual Durga Puja festival, as seven months pregnant Vidya Bagchi steps off the airplane from London. Her first stop is the local police station to file a missing person report. Weeks ago, her husband Arnab arrived in India for a job assignment.…
Dil Bechara
Based on the bestselling novel “The Fault in Our Stars” by author John Green, Dil Bechara is a story of Kizie and Manny, two ordinary people with an extraordinary love story. Both have a tragic twist to their lives. That was the start of exploring a funny, thrilling and tragic…
Fun Facts
Son of Late Subhendu Chatterjee.
Daughter named Hiya.