Sudev Nair won the Kerala State Award for Best Actor for his debut film My Life Partner, in 2015. He has since acted in several big Malayalam films and also wrote, directed and starred in the highly acclaimed mockumentary Web Series, Not Fit, which made him a sought after creator. Sudev was born and raised in Mumbai, to Vijayakumar V. and Subhada, both employed service class people. He has a younger brother Sujai who works as a Software professional. Sudev finished his B.Tech in Computer science from National Institute of Technology Nagpur. Even after having secured campus placement he decided to go to film school instead and studied at the prestigious Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. Even though he specialized in acting, while at film school he attended the film appreciation course, attended several writing, direction and editing lectures, workshops and seminars and graduated as a well rounded complete film professional in 2011. Like most other artists without any family background in films, he went about looking for opportunities. It was at one such chance visit to Benaras media works production house that he introduced himself and left his profile. He subsequently got a call for an audition and was selected as one of the main negative characters in the film Gulaab Gang opposite Madhuri Dixit in 203.. He would simultaneously go knocking on doors in Kerala before eventually his online show reel being discovered by MB Padmakumar which resulted in him being cast as the leading character in My Life Partner. As of 2016, Sudev resides in Mumbai with his cat Mimi who has allowed him to share her space. For the time being.
Sudev Nair
Gulaab Gang
Rajjo has created an ashram (sanctuary) for girls and women. The youngest students are taught to read. The adults are given a chance for employment, grounding spices, weaving beautiful pink saris, and when necessary picking up weapons to fight social injustices. Rajjo and her rose-hued gang members are asked to…
Fun Facts
Sudev received a scholarship and briefly studied Kathakali at Kerala Kalamandalam in the Gurukul system.
Sudev made a pilot episode of Not Fit using up all his savings, so he could show it to producers and convince them of the different format.
TVF, like many other production houses had initially rejected Not Fit when it was pitched to them. But when it was released by Dice Media, TVF immediately saw the potential and partnered for distribution rights.
Sudev had already signed Anarkali and finished most of its shooting before he received the State award for My Life Partner. Until then, it was wrongly believed that Anarkali was going to be his debut film.