The man behind the hit social avatar Struggling Actor Vicky Malhotra, Varun Thakur is the latest Internet sensation who has taken over platforms like Snapchat and Facebook with his acidic self-deprecatory humor, making fun of all the CCD-frequenting struggling actors based out of Lokhandwala, Mumbai. Co-founder of SnG Comedy, a popular comedy collective that has amassed 470000 subscribers and 61 million views, the comedian has been selling out shows and venues with his hour-long comedy special, Vicky This Side, Varun That Side. In case reality wasn’t enough for this comic, the show is also streaming on Amazon Prime. Varun has also anchored shows on MTV, MTV Indies, UTV Bindaas and HotStar, and has done corporate shows for Google, Mercedes, HDFC, Standard Chartered, Radio Mirchi and several others.
Varun Thakur
Jab Tak Hai Jaan
Samar Anand, a hard working young immigrant in the city of London, glimpses upon the love of his life, a gorgeous angelic looking girl, (Katrina Kaif). They meet and their bond blossoms into love with time spent together. Samar however meets with a serious accident, and Meera vows to God…