Abb Key Sajan Sawan Me
Chupke Chupke
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Abb key sajan sawan me, aag lagegee badan me
अब कुंजी साजन सावन में, आग लगेगी बदन में
Now the key will be in Saajan Saawan, there will be fire in the body
Ghata barasegee, magar tarasegee najar
घट बरसेगी, मगर तारसेगी नज़र
It will rain, but Tarsegi will look
Mil naa sakenge do mann ek hee aangan me
मिल न मिलेंगे दो मन एक ही आंगन में
Two minds will never meet in the same courtyard
Do dilo kee bich khadee kitanee divare
दो दिलो की बिच खादी कितने दिवारे
How many walls of Khadi are between two hearts?
Kaise sunungee mai piya prem kee pukare
कैसे सुनूंगी मैं पिया प्रेम की पुकारे
How will I hear Piya Prem's call
Choree chupake se tum lakh karo jatan
छोटे चुपके से तुम लाख करो जतन
Small secretly you save a million
Sajan mil naa sakenge, do mann ek hee aangan me
साजन मिल ना मिलेंगे, दो मन एक ही आंगन में
Saajan will not meet, two minds in the same courtyard
Itne bade ghar me nahee, yek bhee jharokha
इतने बड़े घर में नहीं, ये भी झरोखा
Not in such a big house, this window too
Kis tarah ham denge bhala duniya ko dhokha
किस तरह हम देंगे भला दुनिया को धोखा:
How will we cheat the world?
Rat bhar jagayegee yeh mast mast pawan
चूहा भर जगेगी ये मस्त मस्त पवन
This cool wind will wake up full of rat
Sajan mil naa sakenge, do man yek hee aangan me
साजन मिल ना मिलेंगे, दो मन ये ही आंगन में
Saajan will not meet, two minds are the same in the courtyard
Tere mere pyar kaa yeh sal bura hoga
तेरे मेरे प्यार का ये साल बुरा होगा
this year of your love will be bad
Jab bahar aayegee toh hal bura hoga
जब बहार आएगी तो हाल बुरा होगा
When it's out, it'll be bad
Kante lagayega yeh phulo bhara chaman
कांटे लगायेगा ये फूलो भरा चमन
This flower filled chaman will put thorns
Sajan mil naa sakenge, do man yek hee aangan me
साजन मिल ना मिलेंगे, दो मन ये ही आंगन में
Saajan will not meet, two minds are the same in the courtyard

Chupke Chupke
About the movie
Raghav brags that he can smell a rat or an impersonator automatically, and Dr. Parimal Tripathi decides to take him on – result: funny family slapstick comedy, with a dose of pure Hindi and Urdu thrown in, especially the dialogue delivery by Om Prakash, Dharmendra, and Amitabh Bachchan. Notable songs are :Sare ga ma, ma sa re ga ma….”; “Ab ke sajan sawan me, aag lagegi badan mein, ghata barshegi, magar tarsegi nazar, mil na sakenghe do mahn ek hi aagan mein…”; “Chupke chupke chal di purvaiya, basuri bajaike raas rachaye daiya re daiya, chupke…”.
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