Are Hamka Kaa Samjhat Ho
Table of Contents
Are hamka kaa samjhat ho, kaa kaha kaa samajhat ho
अरे हमका का समझौता हो, का कहा का समझौता हो
Hey we have a settlement, where is the agreement?
Are hamka aisa waisa naa samjho ham bade kam kee chiz
क्या हमारा ऐसा वैसा ही समझो हम बड़े काम की चिज़ो हैं
Do we treat us like this, we are things of great work
O babu bade kam kee chiz
ओ बाबू बड़े काम की चिज़ो
oh babu great thing
(Kaun bura hai kaun bhala hai- 2) hamko hai tamiz
(कौन बुरा है कौन भला है- 2) हमको है तमीज़
(Who is bad and who is good - 2) We have good manners
Hamka aisa waisa naa................
हमका ऐसा वैसा ही ना..................
We are not like that..............
Are ek din ham gaye jungle ma, uhan mil gaye hamka daku
अरे एक दिन हम गए जंगल मा, उहान मिल गए हमका डाकू
Hey one day we went to the jungle, we found our robber
Sasura mil gaye hamka daku
ससुरा मिल गए हमका डाकु
Our father-in-law has found our dacoit
Kisike hath ma barcha bhala, (kisike hath ma chaku - 2)
किसके हाथ मा बरचा भला, (किसिके हाथ मा चाकू - 2)
Whose hand did it take good, (in whose hand a knife - 2)
Hamne puchha o hamne puchha, kitne ho tum tab woh bole das
हमने पुछा ओ हमने पूछा, कितने हो तुम तब वो बोले दास
We asked, we asked, how many are you, then he said slave
Ham kaha bas, kaa kaha bas
हम कहा बस, का कहा बसो
Where do we settle?
Aisa hath jamaya do gaj dharti ma gaye dhas dhas dhas
ऐसा हाथ जमाया दो गज धरती मा गए दास दास दासी
Such a hand raised two yards of earth, slave, slave, slave
Hamka aisa waisa naa................
हमका ऐसा वैसा ही ना..................
We are not like that..............
Are ik din apne ganv ma (ik mem shehar se aayi -2)
अरे इक दिन अपने गण मा (इक मेम शहर से आई-2)
Hey ek din aapne gana ma (Ik meme from the city I-2)
Dekhke apni mast jawani mann mann woh muskayi
देखे अपनी मस्त जवानी मन मन वो मुस्कायि
See your cool youth, mind that smile
Are mann mann woh muskayi
आर मन मन वो मुस्काय
r mind man that smile
(Bade pyar se - 2) usane hamka diya gulabi phul
(बड़े प्यार से - 2) उसे हमका दिया गुलाबी फूल
(with great love - 2) gave her our pink flowers
Ham kaha ee kaa det ho hamka, phul kaa det ho phul
हम काहा का पता हो हमका, फूल का देत हो फूल
Where do we know ours, flowers give us flowers
Hath jodkar phir woh boli ho gayi hamse bhul bhul bhul
हाथ जोड़ फिर वो बोली हो गई हमसे भूल भूल भूल
With folded hands then she said that we have forgotten and forgotten.
Hamka aisa waisa naa................
हमका ऐसा वैसा ही ना..................
We are not like that..............
Are babua bade kam kee chiz
क्या बबुआ बड़े काम की चिज़ो हैं
Are babuas great things