Aye Shivani, Too Lagatee Hai Nanee
Table of Contents
Bachche log tumne kabhee kala taj mahal dekha hai
बच्चे लोग तुमने कभी कला ताज महल देखा है
children people have you ever seen the art taj mahal
Kya kya kya.........
क्या क्या क्या............
what what what............
Kabhee bina panee kaa samundar dekha hai
कभी बिना पानी का समुंदर देखा है
Have you ever seen a sea without water?
Nahee toh
नहीं तोहो
no then
Rasgulle se ras gul ho jaye
रसगुल्ले से रस गुल हो जाए
Let the rasgulla melt the juice
Toh pata hai kaisa dikhta hai, kaisa kaisa kaisa?
तो पता है कैसा दिखता है, कैसा कैसा कैसा?
So you know what it looks like, how is it?
Woh dekho jita jagata namuna, miss shivani
वो देखो जीता जगता नमुन, मिस शिवानी
Woh Dekho Jeeta Jagta Namun, Miss Shivani
Aye aye aye, kya laga rakha hai yeh sabh
ऐ ऐ ऐ, क्या लगा रखा है ये सब
Aye aye, what have you put on all this?
Hmmm kya laga rakha hai
हम्म क्या लगा रखा है
hmm what's up
Arey bore ho rahe hain yar, kuchh toh mastee karne do
अरे बोर हो रहे हैं यार, कुछ तो मस्ती करने दो
Hey you are getting bored, let's have some fun
Kuchh toh karo -2 are kuchh toh karo yar
कुछ तो करो -2 हैं कुछ तो करो यारो
Do something -2 do something friend
Aye shivani, too lagatee hai nanee
ऐ शिवानी, भी लगी है नानी
Hey Shivani, she is also engaged
Too item puranee, aye aye shivani
टू आइटम पुराणी, ऐ ऐ शिवानी
Two Item Purani, Ae Ae Shivani
Boring hai teree jawanee, bata naa divanee
बोरिंग है तेरी जवानी, बता न दीवानी
Boring Hai Teri Jawani, Tell Na Deewani
Thopde pe barah kyun baje hain, bol
थोपड़े पे बरह क्यूं बाजे हैं, बोलो
Tell me
Aye shivani, too flop hai kahanee
ऐ शिवानी, भी फ्लॉप है कहानी
Aye Shivani, bhi flop hai story
Khadus khandanee aye shivani, aye shivani......
खदुस खानदानी ऐ शिवानी, ऐ शिवानी...
Khadus family Ae Shivani, Ae Shivani...
Ujada chaman teraa tan mann, kabh yeh khilega
उजड़ा चमन तेरा तन मन, कभी ये खिलेगा
Ujda Chaman, your body and mind, will it ever bloom
Ice cream jaisa gussa teraa, kabh yeh pighlega
आइसक्रीम जैसा गुसा तेरा, कभी ये पिघलेगा
Your anger like ice cream, will it ever melt
Upar wala bhee mood me nahee tha
ऊपर वाला भी मूड में नहीं था
the above was also not in the mood
Kee aise kee waise patch karke tujhe bhej diya bol
की ऐसे की वैसा पैच करके तुझे भेजा दिया बोल
Said that the patch was sent to you by saying that
Aye shivani, too lagatee hai nanee
ऐ शिवानी, भी लगी है नानी
Hey Shivani, she is also engaged
Juice kee dukan me too pitee hai panee
जूस की दुकान में भी प्यारी है पनीर
Cheese is also lovely in the juice shop
Aye aye shivani, aye shivani...
ऐ ऐ शिवानी, ऐ शिवानी...
Oh Aye Shivani, Oh Shivani...
Too jo agar rasta kate toh billi mar jaye
टू जो अगर रास्ता कटे तो बिली मार जाए
To Joe if the way crosses Billy will be killed
Bhut agar dekhe tujhe toh woh bhee darr jaye
भुत अगर देखे तुझे तो वो भी डर जाए
If the ghost sees you, he will be scared too
Too itanee thakelee, too itanee pakelee
बहुत इतानी ठाकरे, बहुत इतानी पाकेली
Too Much Thackeray, Too Much Pakeli
Akelee akelee daude toh bhee race har jaye bol
अकेले अकेले दोस्त तो भी दौड़ हर जाये बोल
Lonely friends, even if they run away, say
Aye shivani, too lagatee hai nanee
ऐ शिवानी, भी लगी है नानी
Hey Shivani, she is also engaged
Marammat mange teree yeh jawanee
मरम्मत मांगे तेरी ये जवानी
Ask for repair, your youth
Aye aye shivani, aye shivani...
ऐ ऐ शिवानी, ऐ शिवानी...
Oh Aye Shivani, Oh Shivani...
Baate chhichhoree, banke taporee level naa gira
बाटे छिछोरे, बांके टपोरी लेवल ना गिरा
Baate Chhichhore, Banke Tapori level did not fall
Life hai yeh meree, style hai yeh meraa
लाइफ है ये मेरी, स्टाइल है ये मेरा
Life is mine, style is mine
Too mujhko naa sikha
बहुत मुझे ना सिख
don't teach me much
Arey kisne kaha hai ke har ladakee ko
अरे किसने कहा है के हर लड़की को
Hey who said that every girl
Yu latke, yu jhatke nakhare kar ke jina hee padega bol
यू लटके, यू झटके नखरे कर के जीना ही पाएगा बोल
u hang up, u will be able to live with tantrums and say
Aye shivani, too lagatee hai nanee
ऐ शिवानी, भी लगी है नानी
Hey Shivani, she is also engaged
Banegee kabh ranee
बनी कभी रानी
ever a queen
Aye aye shivani, aye shivani ...
ऐ ऐ शिवानी, ऐ शिवानी...
Oh Aye Shivani, Oh Shivani...
Basee biwee ranee
बसी बीवी रानी
Basi wife queen
Aye shivani, paidaishee pareshanee
ऐ शिवानी, पेडाइशी परशानी
Hey Shivani, Pedaishi Parshani
Aye shivani, too kudee hai kanee
ऐ शिवानी, बहुत कुडी है कनी
Hey Shivani, very kudi hai Kani
Aye shivani, too flop hai kahanee
ऐ शिवानी, भी फ्लॉप है कहानी
Aye Shivani, bhi flop hai story
Aye shivani o o shivani
ऐ शिवानी ओ ओ शिवानी
Oh Shivani Oh Shivani
Aye shivani, are jane do yar
ऐ शिवानी हैं जाने दो यारो
Hey Shivani hai let's go guys
Aye shivani, isakee toh bad luck hee kharab hai
ऐ शिवानी, इसकी तो बदकिस्मती ही खराब है
Oh Shivani, its just bad luck
Aye shivani band karo
ऐ शिवानी बंद करो
oh shivani stop
Aye shivani band karo
ऐ शिवानी बंद करो
oh shivani stop
Band karo.........
बैंड करो ............
Band do............

About the movie
Khoobsurat is a quirky, modern romantic comedy about what happens when a vibrant, hopelessly romantic physiotherapist meets a handsome young Rajput prince who is the complete opposite of her and is engaged to someone else. It is a battle of values between two individually crazy families, one that encourages discipline and self-restraint versus the other, which is all for spontaneity and open-mindedness. Khoobsurat looks at universal themes: being able to love and respect yourself; and having to fight for the things you really want.
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