Hai Meree Natkhatee College Kee Ladkiyo

Yeh Dil Aashiqana

Table of Contents



Hai meree natkhatee college kee ladkiyo ladkiyo

है मेरे नटखटी कॉलेज की लड़कियों लड़कियों

is my naughty college girls girls

Yu mohabbbat se mujhako naa dekha karo

यू मोहब्बत से मुझे ना देखा करो

u don't look at me with love

Meree chaahat meree aarju ke liye

मेरी चाहत मेरी आरजू के लिए

my wish for my love

Apanee maasumiyat ko naa rusawa karo

अपनी मासूमियत को ना रूसा करो

don't flaunt your innocence

Hai meree natkhatee college kee ladkiyo ladkiyo

है मेरे नटखटी कॉलेज की लड़कियों लड़कियों

is my naughty college girls girls

Yun mohabbbat se mujhako naa dekha karo

यूं मोहब्बत से मुझे ना देखा करो

don't look at me with love like this

Jo fisal jaaye mai woh divaana nahee

जो फिसल जाए मैं वो दिवाना नहीं

I'm not crazy about the one who slips

Jo badal jaaye mai woh jamaana nahee

जो बदल जाए मैं वो जमाना नहीं

I am not the time that changes

Waar jaayenge khaalee yeh tere sabhee

वार जाएंगे खली ये तेरे सभी

All of you will go to war

Tir najaro kaa mujhape naa maara karo

तीर नज़रो का मुझे ना मारा करो

don't hit me with arrows

Hai meree natkhatee college kee ladkiyo ladkiyo

है मेरे नटखटी कॉलेज की लड़कियों लड़कियों

is my naughty college girls girls

Yu mohabbbat se mujhako naa dekha karo

यू मोहब्बत से मुझे ना देखा करो

u don't look at me with love

Har kisee ko yeh dildaar milata nahee

हर किसी को ये दिलदार मिलाता नहीं

Not everyone gets this heartwarming mix

Itanee aasaanee se pyaar milata nahee

इतनी आसान से प्यार मिलाता नहीं

love doesn't come so easily

De raha hu tumhe mashwaara kam kaa

दे रहा हु तुम्हें मशवरा कम का

I am giving you less advice

Maine socha hai jo tum bhee socha karo

मैंने सोचा है जो तुम भी सोचा करो

I thought whatever you thought

Hai meree natkhatee college kee ladkiyo ladkiyo

है मेरे नटखटी कॉलेज की लड़कियों लड़कियों

is my naughty college girls girls

Yu mohabbbat se mujhako naa dekha karo

यू मोहब्बत से मुझे ना देखा करो

u don't look at me with love

Meree chaahat meree aarju ke liye

मेरी चाहत मेरी आरजू के लिए

my wish for my love

Apanee maasumiyat ko naa ruswa karo

अपनी मासूमियत को ना रूस करो

Don't Russify Your Innocence

Hai meree natkhatee college kee ladkiyo ladkiyo

है मेरे नटखटी कॉलेज की लड़कियों लड़कियों

is my naughty college girls girls

Yu mohabbbat se mujhako naa dekha karo

यू मोहब्बत से मुझे ना देखा करो

u don't look at me with love

Yeh Dil Aashiqana

About the movie


Yeh Dil Ashiqana is the story of Karan and Pooja who are studying in the same college in Poona. They meet and fall in love and their romance progresses without any problems until one day while going to her brother’s house in Mumbai. Pooja’s flight is hijacked by a group of terrorists following the arrest of their leader Ashraf-UL-haq malik. Ironically this hijack has been engineered by Pooja’s brother Vijay Varma who is league with the terrorist head Akhmash Jalal. Vijay is unaware of the fact that his beloved sister Pooja is on board the same flight. When he realizes this, he is unable to do anything as Akhmash forbids him from doing anything that would jeopardies their mission. Karan daringly risks his life and rescues Pooja and the other passengers thus making Akhmash and vijay his enemies. Akhmash is now out to kill Karan. Vijay refuses the marriage of Pooja and Karan. Pooja runs away with Karan; but they are followed and caught by Akhmash and his men and they are held captive in his den. Akhmash then tries to blackmail the Indian Government by demanding the release of his leader Ashraf-Ul-haq mallik as ransom for the lives of Karan and Pooja.

  • Runtime152
  • Rating4.4/10
More about the movie