Ik Munda Meree Umra Da Hay Meree Umra Da
Karan Arjun
Table of Contents
(Ik munda meree umra da hay meree umra da
(इक मुंडा मेरी उमरा दा हय मेरी उमरा दा
(Ik Munda Meri Umra Da Hay Meri Umra Da
Jee dekho dilo kee yeh baate nahee janta
जी देखो दिलो की ये बात नहीं जनता
Look, people don't know about this.
Jalman hay dekho dilo kee yeh baate nahee janta) - (2)
जलमन हाय देखो दिलो की ये बात नहीं जनता) - (2)
Jalman hi, look at the heart, this thing is not known to the public) - (2)
(Khanke chudee meree tujhe bulane ko
(खांके चूड़ी मेरे तुझे बुलाने को)
(knock bangles for me to call you)
Sajatee hu mai tujhe hee bas dikhane ko) - (2)
सजते हु मैं तुझे ही बस दिखने को) - (2)
I decorate only to see you) - (2)
Kar de naa pagal tujhe -2) hay pagal tujhe
कर दे ना पागल तुझे-2) हाय पागल तुझे
Do you crazy to you - 2) Hi crazy to you
Rup meraa phir mere kis kam kaa
रूप मेरा फिर मेरे किस काम का
form is mine then what is my use
Jalaman hay rup meraa phir mere kis kam kaa
जलामन हाय रूप मेरा फिर मेरे किस काम का
Jalaman hi Roop mine then what is my use
Bol mujhse too aankhe kyon churata hai
बोल मुझसे भी आंखे क्यों चुराता है
Why does the word steal my eyes too
Apano se bhee kya koyee sharamata hai
अपनो से भी क्या कोई शर्मता है
Are you ashamed of yourself?
Ankhiyo me pale ankhiya ve pale ankhiya
अंखियो में पले अंखिया वे पले अंखियां
Ankhiya grew up in Ankhiyo
Dil me aane kaa dikha dungee mai rasta
दिल में आने का दिखा दूंगा मैं रास्ता
I will show the way to the heart
Jalaman hay dil me aane kaa dikha dungee mai rasta
जलामन हाय दिल में आने का दिखा दूंगा मैं रास्ता
Jalaman hi I will show the way to come to the heart
Mere jaisee too dhundhe nahee payega
मेरे जैसे भी ढुंढे नहीं पायेगा
Won't be able to find you like me
Ruth jau jo mai too pachhatayega
रूथ जाउ जो माई टू पछतायेगा
ruth jao jo jo mai to repent
Najar mai naa aaungee tujhe hay aaungee tujhe
नजर मैं ना आऊंगी तुझे हं आऊंगी तुझे
I will not see you, I will come to you
Yahee phirega too yu hee kak chhanata
याही फिरेगा भी यू ही काक छनाता:
Yahi firega bhi u hi kak filtera:
Jalaman hay yahee phirega too yu hee kak chhanata
जलामन हाय यही फिरेगा भी यू ही काक छनता
Jalaman hi this will revolve too, only you can filter the cake
Ik munda meree umra..........
इक मुंडा मेरे उमरा.........
Ek Munda Mere Umra.........

Karan Arjun
About the movie
When Durga’s husband speaks out against the tyrannical rule of his brother Durjan Singh, he is mercilessly killed, leaving Durga and her sons Karan and Arjun destitute. Durga brings up her sons without informing them of their heritage or their father’s death, but they soon find out when the elder Thakur decides to invite Durga back into his household. This does not augur well with Durjan Singh, and he has the elder Thakur killed. When he finds out about Durga, he goes to end her life, but her sons spring up to defend her, only to get themselves killed. Alone, more destitute than ever, and devastated, Durga loses her mind and prays to God to bring her sons back so that they can avenge her humiliation, and the death of their father. 17 years later, two youth re-enter her life. They do look like her sons and are ready to take on Durjan Singh, but will they also meet the same fate as Karan, Arjun, and their father?
- Runtime
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