Kash Laga Kash Laga

No Smoking

Table of Contents



Kash laga, kash laga, kash laga, kash laga.........

काश लगा, काश लगा, काश लगा, काश लगा.......

I wished, wished, wished, wished…….

Kash laga, kash laga, kash laga - 2

काश लगा, कश लगा, कश लगा - 2

I felt a wish, felt a puff, felt a puff - 2

Jindagi ai kash laga - 2

जिंदगी ऐ काश लगा - 2

Zindagi Ae Kash Laga - 2

Hasraton ki raakh uda

हसरतों की रख उड़

keep your dreams flying

Yeh jahaan paani hai, bulbula hai, paani hai

ये जहां पानी है, बुलबुला है, पानी है

Where is the water, there is the bubble, there is the water

Bulbulon pe rukna kya, paaniyon pe behta ja, behta ja

बुलबुलों पे रुकना क्या, पानी पे बहता जा, बहता जा

What to stop on the bubbles, keep flowing on the water, keep flowing

Kash laga, kash laga, kash laga.............

काश लगा, काश लगा, कश लगा.........

I felt wish, felt wish, felt a puff.........

Jalati hai tanhaayiyaan, taapi hai raat raat jaag jaag ke

जलाती है तन्हाईयां, तापी है रात रात जाग के

The loneliness burns, Tapi is awake at night

Udati hai chingaariyaan, guchchhe hai laal laal gili aankh ke

उड़ती है चिंगारिया, गुच्चे है लाल लाल गिली आंख के

There is a spark that flies in the eyes.

Khilati hai jaise jalte jugnoo ??? mein

खिलती है जैसे जलते जुगनू ??? मैं

Blooms like a burning firefly??? I

Aankhein lagi ho jaise ufalon ki dheriyon mein

आंखें लगी हो जैसे उफलों की ढिल्लों में

Eyes are like in the balls of fruit

Do din ka aag hai yeh, saare jahaan ka dhunaan

दो दिन का आग है ये, सारे जहान का धुन:

This is the fire of two days, the tune of the whole world:

Do din ki jindagi mein, dono jahaaan ka ???

क्या दिन की जिंदगी में, दो जहान का ???

Is there in the life of the day, of two worlds???

Yeh jahaan paani hai, bulbula hai, paani hai

ये जहां पानी है, बुलबुला है, पानी है

Where is the water, there is the bubble, there is the water

Bulbulon pe rukna kya, paaniyon pe behta ja, behta ja

बुलबुलों पे रुकना क्या, पानी पे बहता जा, बहता जा

What to stop on the bubbles, keep flowing on the water, keep flowing

Kash laga, kash laga, kash laga.............

काश लगा, काश लगा, कश लगा.........

I felt wish, felt wish, felt a puff.........

Chhodi huyi bastiyaan, jaata hoon baar baar ghum ghumke

छोटी हुई बस्ती, जाता हूं बार घुम घुमके

Small township, I go for a walk around the bar

Milte nahi woh nishaan, chhode the tehlij chum chumke

मिले नहीं वो निशान, छोडे थे तहलज चुम चुमके

Those marks were not found, they had left Tehelj's kiss

Jo paaye ??? jaayenge, jungle ki ??? hain

जो पाए??? जाएंगे, जंगल की ??? हैं

who got it??? Will go to the forest??? Huh

Hathgandiyon pe milna do din ki yaariyaan hain

हाथगंदियों पर मिलना दो दिनों की यारियां हैं

Meeting on handguns is two days' friendship

Kya jaane kaun jaaye, ???? aaye

क्या जाने कौन जाए,???? आए

Who knows what to go???? Returns

Hum bhi kataar mein hai, jab bhi sawaari aaye

हम भी कतर में है, जब भी सवारी आई

We are also in Qatar, whenever the ride came

Yeh jahaan paani hai, bulbula hai paani hai

ये जहां पानी है, बुलबुला है पानी है

This is where the water is, the bubble is the water

Bulbulon pe rukna kya, paaniyon pe behta ja, behta ja

बुलबुलों पे रुकना क्या, पानी पे बहता जा, बहता जा

What to stop on the bubbles, keep flowing on the water, keep flowing

Kash laga, kash laga, kash laga.............

काश लगा, काश लगा, कश लगा.........

I felt wish, felt wish, felt a puff.........

Jindagi ai kash laga - 2

जिंदगी ऐ काश लगा - 2

Zindagi Ae Kash Laga - 2

Hasraton ki raakh uda

हसरतों की रख उड़

keep your dreams flying

Yeh jahaan paani hai, bulbula hai, paani hai

ये जहां पानी है, बुलबुला है, पानी है

Where is the water, there is the bubble, there is the water

Bulbulon pe rukna kya, paaniyon pe behta ja, behta ja

बुलबुलों पे रुकना क्या, पानी पे बहता जा, बहता जा

What to stop on the bubbles, keep flowing on the water, keep flowing

Kash laga, kash laga, kash laga.............

काश लगा, काश लगा, कश लगा.........

I felt wish, felt wish, felt a puff.........

No Smoking

About the movie


K lives a wealthy lifestyle in India along with his widowed mother and brother, J. His mother works as an interpreter with the German embassy. As a child K acquired the habit of chain-smoking along with his friend, Abbas Tyrewala. Now matured, running his own business, married to Anjali, who also doubles as his Secretary, Annie, K continues to chain-smoke. When Abbas quits, he manages to convince K to undergo treatment at the Prayogshala located near Kalkatta Karpets but K refuses. He changes his mind when Anjali moves out, decides to undergo treatment, goes to Prayogshala, meets with Guruji, is forcibly enlisted, then again forced to sign a Cheque for 21 Lakhs Rupees for his treatment, and after doing so is discharged with a warning that very bad things will happen to him and everyone of his family if he dares to smoke again. Watch what happens when K decides to secretly re-locate and continue to smoke.

  • Runtime128
  • Rating7.3/10
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