Khoobsurat Hai
Table of Contents
Khoobsurat hai woh itna
खूबसूरत है वो इतना इतना
she is so beautiful
Sahaa nahie djaata
सहा नहीं जाता:
Can't bear:
Kaise hum khoed ko rokh le
कैसे हम खोये को रोक ले
how do we stop the lost
Raha nahie djaata
रहा नहीं जाता:
Doesn't last:
Khoobsurat hai woh itna
खूबसूरत है वो इतना इतना
she is so beautiful
Sahaa nahie djaata
सहा नहीं जाता:
Can't bear:
Kaise hum khoed ko rokh le
कैसे हम खोये को रोक ले
how do we stop the lost
Raha nahie djaata
रहा नहीं जाता:
Doesn't last:
Chaand me daag hai yeh djaante hai hum lekien
चांद में दाग है ये जाने हैं हम लकीएं
There is a stain in the moon, it is known that we are lucky
Raat bhar dekhe bina oesko
रात भर देखे बिना ओस्को
osco without looking all night
Raha nahie djaata
रहा नहीं जाता:
Doesn't last:
Khoobsurat hai woh itna
खूबसूरत है वो इतना इतना
she is so beautiful
Sahaa nahie djaata
सहा नहीं जाता:
Can't bear:
Djo mera ho nahie paayega
जो मेरा हो नहीं पायेगा
that won't be mine
Ies djahaa me kahie
यह दिया में कहिए
say this in the given
Roeh ban kar mieloenga oesko
रोह बन कर मिलोएगा ओस्को
Osko will meet you as Roh
Aasma me kahie
आसमा में कहि
say in the sky
Pyaar dhartie par farishto se
प्यार धरती पर फरिश्तो से
love from angels on earth
Kiya nahie djaata
किया नहीं जाता:
Not done:
Khoobsurat hai woh itna
खूबसूरत है वो इतना इतना
she is so beautiful
Sahaa nahie djaata
सहा नहीं जाता:
Can't bear:
Oen nigaho me mohabbat nahie
ओं निगाहो में मोहब्बत नहीं
there is no love in oh eyes
To kaho aur kya hai
तो कहो और क्या है
so say what else
Par woh mujh se yeh keh raha
पर वो मुझसे ये कह रहा है:
But he is telling me this:
Woh kisie aur kaa hai
वो किसी और का है
he belongs to someone else
Zarasa djoet bhie dhang se
जरासा जोएत भी धंग से
Jarasa joet also dhang se
Kaha nahie djaata
कहा नहीं जाता:
Not called:
Khoobsurat hai woh itna
खूबसूरत है वो इतना इतना
she is so beautiful
Sahaa nahie djaata
सहा नहीं जाता:
Can't bear:
Aankh me kaid kiye baitha
आंख में कैद किए बैठा
caught in the eye
Mai ek haseen lamha
माई एक हसीन लम्हा
my beautiful moment
Djab mai ies neend se djagoenga
जब माई यानी जरूरत से djagoenga
Jab mai ie need se djagoenga
To dil toete ga
तोते गा को पतला करने के लिए
To thin the parrot ga
Woh mujhe gaab koi kyoe
वो मुझे गाब कोई क्या
what is he missing me
Diekha nahie djaata
दीखा नहीं जाता:
Doesn't show up:
Khoobsurat hai woh itna
खूबसूरत है वो इतना इतना
she is so beautiful
Sahaa nahie djaata
सहा नहीं जाता:
Can't bear:
Posted by: kaylash
द्वारा पोस्ट किया गया: kaylash
Posted By: kaylash
About the movie
Rog is the story of a troubled police officer who falls in love with a dead woman whose murder he is investigating. Maya Solomon mesmerizes all who surround her with her breathtaking beauty and sensuality. Thus giving more twists and turns in the game of life. Where by the police officer also entraps himself in a situation that might as well add to more conflicts in society.
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