Log Isiko Kahate Hain Ishk Mohabbat Pyaar
Table of Contents
Do teree ankhiya, do meree ankhiya
दो तेरी आंखें, दो मेरी अंखियां
Give me your eyes, give me my eyes
Ankhiya ho gayee chaar
अंखिया हो गई चारी
Ankhiya has become Chari
Log isiko kahate hain ishk mohabbat pyaar
लोग इसे कहते हैं इश्क मोहब्बत प्यार
People call it love love
Ik teraa dil ik meraa dil, do dil ik jhankaar
इक तेरा दिल इक मेरा दिल, दो दिल इक झंकार
I'm your heart, my heart, two hearts.
Log isiko kahate hain......
लोग इसे कहते हैं......
People call it......
Hai teraa naam sipaiya
है तेरा नाम सिपैया
is your name sipaiah
Naam toh mai jaanu teraa ek chor hai
नाम तो मैं जानू तेरा एक चोर है
Naam Toh Main Jaanu Tera is a thief
Woh jiske kaaran chor sipaiya ban gaya
वो जिसके करन चोर सिपैया बन गया
The one by whom the thief became a soldier
Woh too hai ya koyee aur hai
वो भी है या कोई और है
is that too or is there someone else
Abb kuchh hota nahee hota abb isase intjaar
अब कुछ होता नहीं होता अब इससे इंतजार
Now nothing happens, now wait for this
Log isiko kahate hain......
लोग इसे कहते हैं......
People call it......
Aur tujhe mai kya du
और तुझे मैं क्या दु:
And what do I feel sorry for you?
Aa teree inn julfo me yeh dil kaa phul laga du
आ तेरी इन जुल्फो में ये दिल का फूल लगा दो
Come put this heart flower in your inn julfo
Mere gale me bas rahane de inn baaho kaa haar
मेरे गले में बस रहा दे इन बहो का हारी
The necklace of these sisters is living in my neck
Log isiko kahate hain......
लोग इसे कहते हैं......
People call it......
Laaj mujhe laakh mana karatee hai
लाज मुझे लाख मन करता है
shame on me
Yeh joban leta hai angadaayiya
ये जोबन देता है अंगदइयां
This job gives organs
He aatee hai jab jab teree yaad toh
वह आते हैं जब तेरी याद तोह
They come when you remember me
Bajatee hain bajatee hai dur kahee shahanaayiya
बजाते हैं बजाते हैं दूर कहीं शहनाइयां
They play the clarinets somewhere far away
Raat ho din, abb tadpe dil aata nahee karaar
रात हो दिन, अब तड़पे दिल आता नहीं करारी
Night and day, now the tormented heart does not come hard
Log isiko kahate hain......
लोग इसे कहते हैं......
People call it......

About the movie
Sanjay Verma is an eligible young man, who has been having hallucinations of a past life as Shantanu. He travels to a small community and meets with Sonia Verma, and recognizes her as the girl named Lachi in his hallucinations. Convinced, that they were lovers from a past life, he attempts in vain to impress this upon Sonia, who is engaged, and is to be married to Vikram Malocha.
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