Mann Bhi Hai
Table of Contents
(Mann bhi pighla pighla tan bhi sulge jaaye
(मन भी पिघला पिघला तन भी सुलगे जाए)
(The mind should also melt, the body should also be smoldering)
Kaisi hai lagi ye agni sajna tu hi bujha) - 2
कैसी है लगी ये अग्नि सजना तू ही बुझा) - 2
How are you extinguishing this fire) - 2
Taraste din hain tarapti raina hai
तरस्ते दिन हैं तारापति रैना है
Taarte Din Hai Tarapati Raina Hai
Na din mein sukh hai na raat chaina hai
ना दिन में सुख है ना रात छैना है
There is neither happiness in the day nor is there night
Pal bhar bhi
पल भर भी
even for a moment
Pal pal kaanpe mann mora tan bhi kasmasaye
पल पल कानपे मन मोरा तन भी कसमाये
Mole pal kanpe mana mora tan also swear
Kaisi hai dasha mori sajna tu hi bata
कैसी है दशा मोरी सजना तू ही बता
You tell me how is Dasha Mori
Main teri dharti tu mera ambar hai
मैं तेरी धरती तू मेरा अंबर है
I am your earth, you are my amber
Main jisko odhun tu hi wo chadar hai sapnon ki
मैं जिसको बढ़ाना तू ही वो चादर है सपनों की
You are the sheet of dreams to whom I grow
Jhuk jhuk jaayen ye palken tum jo paas aaye
झुक झुक जाने ये पालक तुम जो पास आए
These parents who come close to you bow down
Ab jo katha hai sari sajnaa tu hi suna
अब जो कथा है साड़ी सजना तू ही सुना
Now you have heard the story that is adorning the sari.

About the movie
Maanav is a struggling filmmaker who does not want to compromise on his script. His girlfriend Ruchi is a successful film editor who arranges for him to meet Nitin, a producer. Nitin likes the script but is not very sure of its box office potential. Maanav then suggests a story from the Panchtantra: A woman is caught red-handed with her lover by her husband and yet, she manages to wriggle out of it Scot-free! Nitin loves the story but finds it too short for a feature film. Maanav then creates three more stories based on the same premise: in a way, the Panchantra story travels in different versions to the modern times through the film. The four stories are woven together by a common story. Mirch itself echoes this structure, with four stories mingling with the main narrative.
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