Moments In Life
Chalo Dilli
Table of Contents
Moments in life just pass you by and you know that it' s just this time
जीवन में क्षण बस आपके पास से गुजरते हैं और आप जानते हैं कि यह बस यही समय है
Moments in life just pass you by and you know it's just this time
Coz it' s never coming back just gonna fly
क्योंकि यह कभी वापस नहीं आ रहा है बस उड़ने वाला है
Cause it's never coming back just gonna fly
Taking in everything you' ve done precious time and memories last
आपने जो कुछ भी किया है, उसमें कीमती समय और यादें आखिरी हैं
Precious time and memories last in everything you've done
This is what our lives are all about this is living
यही हमारा जीवन है बस यही जी रहा है
this is our life this is just living it
This is how life' s is gota be
इस तरह जीवन है गोटा होना चाहिए
Life is like this must be gotta
Siking out the best of lush and luxury
हरे-भरे और विलासिता से भरपूर सैर करना
Luxurious walk
Sitting and thinking about it all wondering how it all fill out
बैठे-बैठे यह सब सोच रहे हैं कि यह सब कैसे भरता है
sitting around wondering how it all fills
Just enjoy your and people come on work it out
बस अपने का आनंद लें और लोग इसे काम करने के लिए आते हैं
just enjoy yours and people come to work it
Thinking about what' s gone by losing out on lots right now
इस बारे में सोचना कि अभी बहुत कुछ खो जाने से क्या हो गया है
Thinking about what has become of missing so much
Makes it worth this and waste of time
इसे इसके लायक बनाता है और समय की बर्बादी करता है
Makes it worth it and a waste of time
Moments in life just pass you by
ज़िन्दगी के लम्हे यूँ ही गुज़र जाते हैं
Life's moments just pass by
And you know that it' s just this time
और आप जानते हैं कि यह सिर्फ इस बार है
And you know it's just this time
Coz it' s never coming back this is living
क्योंकि यह कभी वापस नहीं आ रहा है यह जीवित है
Cause it's never coming back it's alive
This is how life' s is gotta be
इस तरह जीवन होना चाहिए
this is how life should be
Seeking out the best of lush and luxury
हरे-भरे और विलासिता में से सर्वश्रेष्ठ की तलाश
Seeking the Best in Lush and Luxury
This is living ..
यही हे ज़िन्दगी ..
This is life..

Chalo Dilli
About the movie
While on her way to Mumbai airport to board a plane to Delhi, a busy business executive, who employs over 600 employees, gets stuck in a traffic jam, and misses her flight. She blames her predicament on an auto-rickshaw passenger, Manu Gupta, and is appalled when the latter is her co-passenger on a budget-airline. The flight is diverted to Jaipur and with no flights available for several hours, she ends up sharing a rental car with Manu – but matters get even worse when the car breaks down, and both end up spending the night at a cockroach-ridden restaurant. At daybreak, she ends up having no luggage, no car, and forced to ride a camel-cart with Manu, who she cannot stand anymore. But things get even worse when she will find her money has been stolen; the duo will be arrested for traveling on a train without tickets; and end up hitching a ride from men who have just broken out of jail!!
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