Naina Thag Lenge
Table of Contents
Naino kee mat maaniyo re, naino kee mat suniyo - (2)
नैनो की मत मानियो रे, नैनो की मत सुनियो - (2)
Nano Ki Mat Manio Re, Nano Ki Mat Listen - (2)
Naino kee mat suniyo re
नैनो की मत सुनियो रे
Nano ki mat listen re
Naina thag lenge -2 thag lenge, naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे -2 ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat -2 will cheat, Naina will cheat
Naina thag lenge, thag lenge naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे, ठग लेंगे नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat, will cheat Naina will cheat
Jagte jaadu phukenge re jagte jagte jaadu
जगते जादू फुकेंगे रे जगते जादू
Jagte magic will burst
Jagte jaadu phukenge re ninden banjar kar denge
जगते जादू फुकेंगे रे निन्देन बंजार कर देंगे
Jagte Jadoo Phukhenge Re Ninden Banjar Karenge
Naina thag lenge -2 thag lenge, naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे -2 ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat -2 will cheat, Naina will cheat
Naina thag lenge, thag lenge, naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे, ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat, will cheat, Naina will cheat
Naino kee mat maaniyo re
नैनो की मत मनियो रे
Nano Ki Mat Maniyo Re
(Bhala manda dekhe naa paraaya naa saga re
(भला मांडे देखे ना पराया ना सागा रे
(Bhala mande dekhne na paraya na saga re
Naino ko toh dasne kaa chaska laga re) - (2)
नैनो को तो दसने का चश्मा लगा रे) - (2)
Nano had to wear the glasses of the tenth) - (2)
Naino kaa jehar nashila re - (4)
नैनो का जहर नशीला रे - (4)
Nano Ka Jahar Nasheela Ray - (4)
Baadalo me satrangiya bonve, bhor talak barsaave
बादलो में सतरंगी बोनवे, भोर तलाक बरसाव
Satrangi Bonway in Badalo, Dawn Divorce rains
Baadalo me satrangiya bonve, naina banvra kar denge
बादलो में सतरंगी बोनवे, नैना बनवरा कर देंगे
Satrangi Bonway in Badalo, Naina will make Banwara
Naina thag lenge -2 thag lenge, naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे -2 ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat -2 will cheat, Naina will cheat
Naina thag lenge, thag lenge, naina thag lenge - (2)
नैना ठग लेंगे, ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे - (2)
Naina will cheat, will cheat, Naina will cheat - (2)
(Naina raat ko chalte chalte swargaan me le jaave
(नैना रात को चलते चलते स्वर्गां में ले जावे
(Naina should be taken to heaven while walking at night.
Megh malhaar ke sapne dije hariyaalee dikhlaave) - (2)
मेघ मल्हार के सपने में हरियाली दिखलावे) - (2)
Show greenery in Megh Malhar's dream) - (2)
(Naino kee juban pe bharosa nahee aata
(नैनो की जुबान पे भरोसा नहीं आता
(Can't believe Nano's tongue
Likhad parakh naa rasid naa khaata) - (2)
लिखद परख ना रसीद ना खाता) - (2)
Written test, no receipt, no account) - (2)
Saree baat hamaaree - (2)
साड़ी बात हमारी - (2)
Saree Baat Humari - (2)
Bin baadal barsaaye saawan, saawan bin barsaata
बिन बादल बरसाए सावन, सावन बिन बरसाता
Sawan without rain, Sawan without rain
Bin baadal barsaaye saawan naina baanwara kar denge
बिन बादल बरसाए सावन नैना बनवारा कर देंगे
Will make Sawan Naina Banwara without raining clouds
Naina thag lenge -2 thag lenge, naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे -2 ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat -2 will cheat, Naina will cheat
Naino kee mat maaniyo re, naino kee mat suniyo
नैनो की मत मानियो रे, नैनो की मत सुनियो
Don't listen to Nano, don't listen to Nano
Naino kee mat suniyo re, naina thag lenge
नैनो की मत सुनियो रे, नैना थाग लेंगे
Naino ki mat suniyo re, Naina thag lenge
Jagte jaadu phukenge re jagte jagte jaadu
जगते जादू फुकेंगे रे जगते जादू
Jagte magic will burst
Jagte jaadu phukenge re ninde banjar kar denge
जगते जादू फुकेंगे रे निंदे बंजार कर देंगे
Jagte Jadoo Phukhenge Re ninde Banjar Karenge
Naina thag lenge -2 thag lenge, naina thag lenge
नैना ठग लेंगे -2 ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे
Naina will cheat -2 will cheat, Naina will cheat
Naina thag lenge, thag lenge, naina thag lenge - (2)
नैना ठग लेंगे, ठग लेंगे, नैना ठग लेंगे - (2),नैना
Naina will cheat, will cheat, Naina will cheat - (2),Naina

About the movie
Advocate Raghunath Mishra has arranged the marriage of his daughter, Dolly, with Rajan, knowing fully well that Dolly loves Omkara Shukla. Before the marriage could take place, the groom’s party is attacked, they flee, and Dolly is reportedly abducted. Raghunath is able to trace Dolly to Omkara, a criminal and hit-man, a verbal confrontation ensues until Politician Bhaisaab telephonically intervenes, and a crestfallen Raghunath faces the reality that Dolly was not abducted but is here with Omkara by her own free will. He warns Omkara, and departs. Shortly thereafter, Bhaisaab is shot at and wounded, announces that Omkara should stand in the next election, and as a result, Omkara appoints one of his lieutenants’, Keshav Upadhyay in his place as the ‘Bahubali”. Omkara realizes that he may have blundered in having Keshav succeed him, as Keshav is unable to control his temper when under the influence of alcohol, which puts him in the bad books of Omkara. Then Omkara suspects that Keshav is having an affair with Dolly, as both had been fellow-collegians. With Omkara’s marriage with Dolly getting close, he asks his other lieutenant, Ishwar Tyagi, to obtain proof of Keshav’s affair with Dolly or face the consequences, as Omkara remembers Raghunath’s warning that when a daughter is not true to her father, she will never be true to anyone. Watch what happens when Ishwar produces proof shortly after the marriage, and the impact this has on Dolly, Omkara, Keshav, Ishwar, and Ishwar’s wife, Indu.
- Runtime
- Rating