Sanson Kee Jarurat Hai Jaise
Table of Contents
Sanson kee jarurat hai jaise, jindagee ke liye - (2)
सांसों की जरूरत है जैसे, जिंदगी के लिए - (2)
Breath is needed like, for life - (2)
Jindagee ke liye - (2)
जिंदगी के लिए - (2)
for life - (2)
Bas ek sanam chahiye aashiqui ke liye
बस एक सनम चाहिए आशिकी के लिए
Just one Sanam is needed for Aashiqui
Jam kee jarurat hai jaise - (2) bekhudee ke liye
जाम की जरूरत है जैसे - (2) बेखुदी के लिए
Jam is needed like - (2) for Bekhudi
Han ek sanam chahiye aashiqui ke liye - (2)
हां एक सनम चाहिए आशिकी के लिए - (2)
Yes I want a sanam for Aashiqui - (2)
Wakt ke hathon me sabki takdire hain - (2)
वक्त के हाथों में सबकी तकदिरे हैं - (2)
Everyone's fortune is in the hands of time - (2)
Aaina jhutha hai, sachee tasvire hain
आईना झूठा है, सच्चे तसवीर हैं
The mirror is a lie, the picture is the truth
Jahan dard hai vahin git hai
जहान दर्द है वही गीत है
Where there is pain, it is the song
Jahan pyas hai vahin mit hai
जहान प्यार है वही मिट है
Where there is love, it is erased
Koi naa jane magar jine kee yahee rit hai
कोई ना जाने मगर जिन की यही ऋत है
No one knows but whose debt is this
Saj kee jarurat hai jaise - (2) mausiki ke liye
सज की जरूरत है जैसे - (2) मौसमी के लिए
There is a need for decoration like - (2) for seasonal
Bas ek sanam chahiye aashiqui ke liye
बस एक सनम चाहिए आशिकी के लिए
Just one Sanam is needed for Aashiqui
Manjile hasil hain phir bhee ek duree hai
मंजिल हासिल है फिर भी एक दुरी है
The destination is achieved yet there is a distance
Bina humrahi ke jindagee adhuree hai
बिना हमराही के जिंदगी अधूरी है
life is incomplete without us
Milegi kahee koi rahgujar, tanha katega kaise yeh safar
मिलेगी कही कोई राहगुजर, तन्हा कटेगा कैसे ये सफारी
Somewhere a passer-by will be found, how will this safari be cut lonely?
Mere sapne ho jahan, dhundhu mai aisee najar
मेरे सपने हो जहान, धुंध मैं ऐसी नजरी
My dreams are the world, the mist is such a sight
Chand kee jarurat hai jaise - (2) chandanee ke liye
चांद की जरूरत है जैसे - (2) चांदनी के लिए
Moon is needed like - (2) For moonlight
Bas ek sanam chahiye aashiqui ke liye
बस एक सनम चाहिए आशिकी के लिए
Just one Sanam is needed for Aashiqui
Saanso kee jarurat.......
सांसों की जरुरत......
Breath needed......

About the movie
Things are not nice for both Rahul and Anu Verghese; with Rahul having a stressful family life to deal with and Anu; often being ill-treated by her hostel supervisor Arnie Campbell which makes her run away time and again. Both meet with each other and fall in love only to get married; but even after marriage things once again turn sour which eventually made the couple split up.
- Runtime
- Rating