Ye Kya Hua Jane Kya Hua
Table of Contents
(Ye kya hua jane kya hua
(ये क्या हुआ जाने क्या हुआ)
(what happened, what happened)
Rim jhim ye sawan barse
रिम झिम ये सावन बरसे
Rim Jhim Yeh Sawan Barse
Bechain bekarar
बेचेन बेकरार
desperate desperate
Dil kab se milan ko tarse) - (2)
दिल कब से मिलन को तरसे) - (2)
Dil kab se longs for meeting) - (2)
Hotho pe hasi khilao na jane ja
होथो पे हसी खिलाओ न जाने जाने
Don't know how to laugh
Bahke hue dil ke
बहके हुए दिल के
of lost heart
Ye arman hai
ये अरमान है
this is a wish
Na da ho tum
ना दा हो तुम
na da ho you
Hum bhi to anjan hai
हम भी तो अंजन है
we are also strangers
Thandi hawa kahti
ठंडा हवा कहती
cold air says
Hai bolo na kya
है बोलो न क्या
say no what
Tere bina jina
तेरे बिना जिन
gin without you
Nahi sathiya
नहीं साथिया
no mate
Tum ban ke nasha
तुम बन के नशा
you become intoxicated
Cha jao na jane ja
चा जाओ ना जाने जाओ
Cha go don't know go
Ye kya hua jane kya hua
ये क्या हुआ जाने क्या हुआ
what happened what happened
Rim jhim ye sawan barse
रिम झिम ये सावन बरसे
Rim Jhim Yeh Sawan Barse
Bechain bekarar
बेचेन बेकरार
desperate desperate
Dil kab se milan ko tarse
दिल कब से मिलन को तरसे
Since when did the heart yearn for meeting
Hotho pe hasi
होथो पे हसी
laugh on your face
Khilao na jane ja
खिलाओ ना जाने जाओ
feed don't go
Hum tum hai sapno
हम तुम है सपने
we are you dreams
Ke ek gaw me
के एक गॉव मी
k a gov me
Yuhi rahe hum
युही रहे हम
yuhi we are
Dhup me chaw me
धुप मे चाऊ मी
chow me in the sun
Ho kho gayi mai
हो खो गई माई
yes lost mai
To tere khwab me
तेरे ख़्वाब में
in your dream
Tuhi to hai dil ki kitab me
तुही तो है दिल की किताब में
You are in the book of the heart
Khusbu ki tarah
खुशबू की तराही
scent of fragrance
Lahrao na jane ja
लहरो न जाने जान
don't know the waves
(Ye kya hua jane kya hua
(ये क्या हुआ जाने क्या हुआ)
(what happened, what happened)
Rum jhim ye sawan barse
रम झिम ये सावन बरसे
Rum Jhim Yeh Sawan Barse
Bechain bekarar
बेचेन बेकरार
desperate desperate
Dil kab se milan ko tarse) - (2)
दिल कब से मिलन को तरसे) - (2)
Dil kab se longs for meeting) - (2)
Hotho pe hasi
होथो पे हसी
laugh on your face
Khilao na jane ja
खिलाओ ना जाने जाओ
feed don't go

About the movie
A musical drama that depicts the reversal of fortune of Yash, and his father, Vikram Rai. Vikram Rai is a talented singer and marries Kalpana, who is impressed by his singing abilities. However, Kalpana deserts Vikram, after they have a child and returns to her father. Vikram’s ego is, and it motivates him to make it big in the music industry!
- Runtime
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